MRS Series Magnet Type Rodless Linear Actuators with Linear Guide
Table height is designed extremely low to facilitate design of thin-type equipment. Shock absorber units are standard equipment. Direct mounting at the end plate, and attachment in the T slots on the bottom improve the unit’s mounting flexibility.
The Selection Guide provides a summary of the 6 different MRS Series Magnet Type with Linear Guide Linear Rodless Actuator variations available. MRS Series Rodless Actuators offer:
- External Guided, Round Bore Magnetic Coupled Type
- Work Ports on Single End for Easy Plumbing
- Versatile Mounting Options for Precision Mounting Requirements
- Patented Linear Orifice Shock Absorbers for Either Low or High Speeds
- Utilizes Standard Integrated 4 mm Sensor Groove
- RoHS Compliance
Double Acting with Linear Guide